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Solar Energy
Installers & partners

Intersolar 2019 Meet the new heroes

May 15 - 17, 2019

Munich, Germany
booth 310, hall B2

Intersolar, the world's leading trade fair for the solar industry, is one of the most important trade fairs for Fronius. In hall B2 at booth 310, visitors will be able to find out about solutions for energy sector integration as well as new innovations in the field of energy solutions. Highlights include the new storage inverters Fronius GEN24 Plus and the project inverter Fronius Tauro. In addition, the company's award-winning SOLH2UB hydrogen refueling system demonstrates how green hydrogen can be used as a source of energy in the future.

This years highlights

Fronius GEN24 Plus
Fronius Tauro
Energy sector integration
Green hydrogen
Fronius System Partners

Fronius GEN24 Plus 

Mit Fronius GEN24 Plus bietet Fronius Speicherlösungen im einphasigen und dreiphasigen Segment an. Mit innovativen Features wie den bedarfsorientierten Notstromvarianten oder der einfachen Handhabung bieten die Wechselrichter die Grundlage für die ideale PV-Lösung, die keine Wünsche offen lässt.

Fronius Tauro 

Fronius Tauro, der robuste Projektwechselrichter von Fronius, wurde für den ungeschützten Außenbereich konzipiert. So eignet er sich am bestens für Großanlagen zwischen 100 Kilowatt und fünf Megawatt.

Get your personal gift

The Fronius team looks forward to seeing you and has a little something prepared for you.
Download your voucher and pick up your personal present from May 15 -16, 2019 at the
Fronius information desk (booth 310, hall B2). While stocks last. 
It's that easy:
  1. Download the voucher in the download box.
  2. Take the voucher with you to Intersolar.
  3. Pick up your gift at the Fronius information desk.

Download voucher & pick up your gift

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    » We look forward to showcasing solutions for linking the intelligent integration of the electricity, mobility and heating sectors. I would particularly like to highlight our new GEN24 Plus storage inverters, the project inverter Fronius Tauro and our hydrogen solutions. «

    Martin Hackl, Global Director Solar Energy

    24 hours of sun

    The generation and consumption of renewable energy continues to focus on energy sector integration. This perfectly aligns with the vision of 24 hours of sun - a future in which the world's energy needs are 100% covered by renewable sources.

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    Be 24 hours of sun.