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Solar Energy
Installers & partners

Opportunities and challenges with feed-in limits, 04 October 2024




Ever more system owners are faced with low feed-in limits. Is it still worthwhile to install a PV system under these conditions? And what to do with the surplus potential of larger systems? In this webinar our experts take a close look at how you can make the most of a system despite low feed-in limits. Find out how best to set up the system and what hidden potential can often be unlocked for great results. Use the opportunity during this live event to ask your questions straight to our studio and use all that potential.


Date 04/10/2024
Address Online
Duration 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM CEST
Language English
Costs Free of charge
Date fully booked

Contact us

Fronius Training Team

+44(0)1908 512 300
+44(0)1908 512 300 ci-genvavat-hx@sebavhf.pbz