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Addendum: Jurisdiction Specific Terms

California Consumer Protection Act

The California Consumer Protection Act defines Personal Information as information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonable be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household. For the purposes of this Fronius International Privacy Statement, California residence should consider “Personal Data” to have the same definition as “Personal Information,” as is defined by the California Consumer Protection Act. Furthermore, California Residence have the following rights which are herein stated in this Addendum. 

Fronius does not sell Personal Information or exchange Personal Information for valuable consideration of the visitors to its website. For detailed information about the categories of data which Fronius collects, please see Section 6 of the International Data Privacy Statement


California resident, beginning January 1, 2020 have the right to make the following requests with respect to their personal information under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA):

1. Access: You have the right to request that we disclose to you the personal information we have collected, used, disclosed or sold about you in the previous 12 months. You may submit an access request here or call 877-Fronius.

2. Deletion: You can request that we delete your personal information that we collected from you to the extent required under CCPA and subject to certain exceptions. We retain personal information to service your equipment, your warranty rights, to comply with applicable laws and regulations and other permissible purposes. Fronius may not be able to delete all of your personal information. You may submit a deletion request here or call 877-Fronius.

3. Right to Opt-Out: Fronius USA does not sell personal information.  The law defines “sale” very broadly to include simply making data available to third parties in some cases. Advertising and analytics companies we use collect anonymized data through our sites and apps when you use our Services. We may share some personal information with our suppliers (acting as our service providers) that do not constitute “sales” to help us perform advertising-related functions such as, but not limited to, measuring the effectiveness of our ads, managing how many times you may see an ad, reporting on the performance of our ads, ensuring services are working correctly and securely, providing aggregate statistics and analytics, improving when and where you may see ads, and/or reducing ad fraud.

4. Right to be Free of Discrimination:  Finally, you have a right to not be discriminated against for exercising rights set out in the CCPA.

Any disclosure, deletion,  or opt out choices you make will only apply to the specific email address that you provide when making the request, or be based on the information specifically provided in the request.

Requests through an Agent: You may designate an authorized agent to make requests on your behalf to exercise your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act. Before accepting such a request from an agent, we will require the agent to provide proof you have authorized that person to act on your behalf, and we will need you to verify your identity directly with us. Further, to provide or delete specific pieces of personal information we will need to verify your identity to the degree of certainty required by law. You must use the Third Party Authorization form available on our website to authorize third parties to make an access or deletion request on your behalf.

For assistance making a California access or deletion request, please submit you request here or call 877-Fronius. 

Right to Refuse: We may deny certain requests, or fulfill a request only in part, based on our legal rights and obligations. For example, we may retain personal information as permitted by law, such as for tax or other record keeping purposes, to maintain an active account, and to process transactions and facilitate customer requests. We will not include employment related information in fulfilling your request.

Governing Law. Fronius USA LLC, as a US entity incorporated in the State is Indiana, is responsible for the use of Personal Data of Data Subjects in the USA. The substantive laws of the United States, and specifically State of Indiana, without regard to conflicts of laws principles that would require application of any other law, shall govern all matters arising out of, or relating to, this International Privacy Statement and all of the issues, claims, allegations arising from it whether direct or indirect, including without limitation its validity, interpretation, formation, construction, breach of terms, performance, termination and enforcement. The United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to the Agreement.


Contact Info USA:

Fronius USA LLC

6797 Fronius Dr

Portage, IN 46368

Phone: (219)734-5500 or 877-Fronius


Australian Privacy Principles Addendum 

The following is a Jurisdictional Addendum intended to supplement and supersede the Fronius International Privacy Statement with respect to compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles.  Information, such as, how individuals may access their personal information which is held by Fronius and seek the correction of such information; how an individual may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles; and how manages such complaints is covered in this Addendum,  amongst other important points specific to Australia’s jurisdictional requirements. The term Fronius will have the meaning described in Section 1 of the Fronius International Privacy Statement (FIPS). 

1. Collection of Information (Personal and Sensitive) 

1.1 Fronius, as an APP entity, only collects personal information about an individual from the individual unless the individual has given a 3rd party the rights to collect and share personal information with Fronius for a business purpose, which is evidenced in a writing.  

1.2 An APP entity must not collect sensitive information about an individual unless the individual consents to the collection of the information and the information is reasonably necessary for one or more of the entity’s functions or activities. In order for certain Fronius platforms to achieve their intended and primary purpose, which is amongst other things to perform Product updates and servicing remotely through a digital platform, certain personal and sensitive information of the individual must be collected. By becoming a Registered User on a Fronius platform in Australia and through continued use of the Fronius platforms, you consent to the collect of sensitive data. See Section 5 and Section 6 of the FIPS for further details.

2. Anonymity in Collection 

2.1 Australian Privacy Principals allow Individuals the option of not identifying themselves, or of using a pseudonym, when dealing with an APP entity in relation to a particular matter unless the APP entity is required or authorised by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to deal with individuals who have identified themselves; or it is impracticable for the APP entity to deal with individuals who have not identified themselves or who have used a pseudonym. 

2.1.1 For individuals using a Fronius platform which requires a Register User profile, as defined by Section 6 of the FIPS, anonymity is not possible. Fronius platforms which require a Register User profile cannot function and serve the purpose for which they are intended without personal information of the individual. This exception is allotted by Section 2.2B of the APP13. 

2.1.2 General Visitor, as defined in Section 6 of the FIPS, to the Fronius website are always anonymous. Please review section 6 of the FIPS for more details about the categories of data collected.

3. Unsolicited Collection of Information 

3.1 When dealing with unsolicited personal information if Fronius receives personal information and Fronius did not solicit the information Fronius shall, within a reasonable period after receiving the information, determine whether or not the Fronius could have collected the information under Australian Privacy Principle 3 if Fronius had on its own solicited the information. 

3.1.1 If Fronius determines it could have collected the information, Fronius will apply all its current relevant privacy polices to the information in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles 5 to 13 as if the Fronius had collected the information under Australian Privacy Principle 3.

3.1.2 If Fronius determines that it could not have collected the personal information and the information is not contained in a Commonwealth record Fronius shall, as soon as practicable but only if it is lawful and reasonable to do so, destroy the information or ensure that the information is de-identified.

4. Collection of Information for a Fundamental Business Purpose

4.1 The collection of the personal information is required for Register Users (see Section 6 FIPS) as this information is reasonable necessary in order to achieve the purpose and function of the services and features offered on these Fronius platforms, which is amongst other things to perform Product updates and servicing remotely through a Fronius digital platform. Collection for the aforementioned personal information is permitted under 3.2 of the APP13.  

4.2 The main consequences for the individual if all or some of the personal information is not collected by Fronius is limited to Registered User. Fronius Products can be updated and serviced remotely using our online platforms. These platforms require individuals to disclose of personal information, so that proper identification of the products, invoicing, and other necessary services can be processed by Fronius. Individuals who do not which to share or disclose of their personal information can receive updates and servicing for their Fronius Product through our non-digital processes. This includes, contacting a service provider who can visit the individual’s location and perform the necessary services on-site.   

4.3 Fronius holds personal information about an individual that was collected for a particular purpose (the primary purpose), which is amongst other things to perform Product updates and servicing remotely through a Fronius digital platform. Fronius does not use or disclose the information for another purpose (the secondary purpose) unless: 

(a) the individual has consented to the use or disclosure of the information; or

(b) for the purposes set out in Section 5 of the FIPS; or

(c) for a reason found in Section 7 of the FIPS. 

4.3.1 Any sensitive information which is shared, is directly related to the primary purpose. Any personal information which is shared is related to the primary purpose. 

5. Accessing, Correcting, and Filing a Complaint 

5.1 An individual may access the personal information about oneself that is held by Fronius and seek the correction of such information by completing a submission form, which can be found here

5.2 The individual may file a complaint about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles by submitting the following form. Fronius will review the complaint, verify its authenticity, and on a case-by-case basis determine the best course of action, including but not limited to: contacting the individual for more information, making changes to our policies or procedures, requesting a neutral third party provide an evaluation and determination of the situation. 

5.3 Fronius shall take reasonable measures to ensure that the personal information collected is accurate, up-to-date and complete. Furthermore Fronius shall take reasonable measures to ensure that the personal information it uses or discloses is, having regard to the purpose of the use or disclosure, accurate, up-to-date, complete and relevant. Individuals may request a correction by contacting Fronius using the following submission form.


就本附件,中国地区是指中华人民共和国(不包括中国香港、中国澳门和中国台湾)(以下简称“中国”),本附件于 2021年11月25日 更新。 本附件作为《伏能士国际数据隐私声明》的一部分进行修改并纳入其中。本附件使用的术语除本附件另有定义外应适用隐私声明中对其赋予的含义。 本附件中的个人信息处理主体为指伏能士智能设备(上海)有限公司(下称“伏能士”、“我们”),为Fronius集团在中国地区的经营实体,如果您对本、附件有任何疑问、意见或建议,请通过以下联系方式与我们联系:







修订章节 — 针对中国



伏能士收集和使用的个人信息包括您的敏感个人信息,敏感个人信息(出自于GB/T 35273-2020《信息安全技术个人信息安全规范》):是指一旦泄露、非法提供或滥用可能危害人身和财产安全,极易导致个人名誉、身心健康受到损害或歧视性待遇等的个人信息。本附件中涉及的个人敏感信息包括您的生物识别信息、特定身份、金融账户、网络身份标识、行踪位置等[P1] 。对于伏能士实际具体收集的个人敏感信息种类以下文描述为准。  [P1]公司审核,如有其他需要的敏感信息可增加


  • 策划和主办活动
  • 举办在线论坛或网络研讨会
  • 用于营销目的,例如让您随时了解伏能士的最新产品和服务以及即将举办的活动
  • 与您联系,进一步讨论您对伏能士服务和产品的兴趣
  • 帮助 伏能士 创建、开发、运营、交付和完善伏能士服务、产品、内容和广告,改进、升级或增强服务或伏能士拥有、制造、用于制造或控制的设备
  • 为您提供更多个性化信息
  • 防范损失
  • 出于账户和网络安全目的
  • 出于内部目的,如审计、分析 和研究,完善伏能士的产品和服务
  • 验证您的身份并确定合适的服务
  • 维护权益或进行法律抗辩
  • 检测安全事件,防止恶意、欺骗、欺诈或非法活动,并寻求法律救济
  • 进行调试以识别和修复会损害现有预期功能的错误
  • 短期、短暂的使用,前提是个人信息未披露给第三方,且未用于建立您的画像或改变您在 当前互动之外的个人体验,包括但不限于作为同一互动一部分显示的广告情景定制
  • 就技术开发和演示开展内部研究。
  • 开展活动以验证或维护服务或伏能士拥有、制造、用于制造或控制的设备的质量或安全性;

基于以上处理目的,伏能士通常会在以下场景中收集和使用您的个人信息: 在您注册伏能士账户时,您需要向伏能士提供以下信息:姓名、手机号码、电子邮箱、联系地址并完成手机号验证码匹配后,才能成功注册。您需理解,手机号码和验证码匹配结果、联系地址均属于您的个人敏感信息,我们收集该类信息是基于法律法规的相关要求,如您拒绝提供可能导致您无法注册账号并使用相关产品功能,请您谨慎考虑后再选择是否提供。












  • 向您提供产品或服务;
  • 使伏能士遵守其法定义务,特别是适用的出口法规定的义务;
  • 允许您参与伏能士提供的活动及获得资讯;
  • 若伏能士基于您的同意处理您的个人信息,则直到您撤销在本隐私声明中授予的同意为止;
  • 如果适用的国家法律允许这样做,那么伏能士将在实现本隐私声明中概述的目的期间保存您的个人信息。




伏能士作为Fronius集团全球子公司之一,可能会依据本隐私声明将您的个人信息与位于奥地利的Fronius集团及其位于全球各地的子公司进行共享并处理您的个人信息,并将其传输至伏能士开展业务活动的国家或地区,可能被发送到海外的个人数据范围包括:您的基本信息:姓名、性别、手机号码、电子邮箱地址、以及您的交易信息,如产品、数量、价格、购买时间等[P1] 。伏能士将根据相关法律要求并仅在实现目的所需的范围内传输您的个人信息。伏能士将通过可用的法律机制实现个人信息依法跨境传输。若我们依据标准合同条款(又称为“示范条款”)授权传输,伏能士将尽力遵守这些要求,包括在这些要求与本声明可能存在冲突的情况下。  [P1]传输到境外的个人数据范围可根据需要增补





一般来说,伏能士产品及服务不面向中国境内未满 14 岁或相关司法管辖区内同等最低年龄的用户,无意收集或储存未成年人的个人信息。如果您位于中国境内且未满 14 岁或相关司法管辖区内同等最低年龄,则您不能注册和使用伏能士网站。 您的权利


  • 询问和索取特定种类的个人信息副本的权利,包括基本信息、身份信息、健康信息(如适用)及联系信息;
  • 更新/更正不准确的个人信息的权利;
  • 要求删除个人信息的权利;
  • 要求注销个人账户的权利;
  • 撤销同意我们处理您的个人信息的权利(该处理是在获得同意的基础上且只有同意才能允许处理的情况)。一旦您通过本附件页首记载的伏能士联系方式提出撤销,我们将不再处理相应的个人信息。但是,您撤销同意的决定不会影响之前根据您的授权对个人信息进行的处理。







  • 与伏能士作为信息控制者履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;
  • 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;
  • 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;
  • 与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行直接相关的;
  • 出于维护您或他人的生命和财产等重大合法权益,但又很难得到您或此类个人授权同意的;
  • 相关个人信息已经由您向社会公众公开的;
  • 根据您的要求签订和履行合同所必需的;
  • 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道;
  • 用于维护伏能士提供的产品或服务的安全稳定运行而必需收集和使用个人信息的,如发现和处置产品或服务的故障。





