Perfect Charging

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Perfect Charging



FM Logistic is among the leading providers of storage, transport and packaging services in the world. High-profile manufacturers and retailers from every sector rely on their specialists for smooth material flows. The company is represented in Poland with nine logistics centres and close to 3,000 employees. Around 600 electrically powered forklift trucks are in use at these sites – often running around the clock in three-shift operation, including weekends and bank holidays.
FM Logistic using Fronius Selectiva charger

The energy consumption of the forklift truck fleet represents a significant cost factor for the company. FM Logistic was looking at ways to reduce this and contacted Fronius to help. The Selectiva battery charging systems with Ri charging process enable the service provider to charge its traction batteries in a much more efficient and gentle manner. This drastically lowers energy consumption and CO2 emissions while simultaneously extending the service life of the expensive lead-acid batteries.

FM Logistic then went about putting the Fronius technology to the test – with impressive results. The company now uses Selectiva chargers in different power categories in several of its Polish logistics centres. They can be used flexibly to charge different batteries and are easy and safe to operate. FM Logistic was also able to significantly lower the operating costs of its forklift fleet while taking an important step towards greater energy efficiency and sustainability.