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The Fronius Supplier Day, 2019


This year’s Fronius supplier day took place under the heading “Focus on quality – perspectives from the supply chain. On 22nd May 2019 representatives of 80 European suppliers from different industries gathered at the Fronius site in Sattledt for an informative and exciting day. The participants which consisted of managing directors respectively sales and quality managers exchanges about current topics round off quality within the supply chain. The program included Fronius company information, expert presentations and an exciting panel discussion.

At the start of the event, guests were welcomed with a short company presentation. The central question was: what lies behind the term “quality” and what is the correct point of view? European producing companies can only stand out from other economical markets through innovation, technology and quality. The awareness for the importance of quality topics from the participants has been increased from the beginning with impressions from different media reports regarding quality leaders as well as negative incidents.

Volker Lenzeder, CIO Corporate Services Fronius International, gave an overview of the quality policy at Fronius. Quality awareness as value and the anchoring in the company strategy “Fronius Way 4.x” was in focus here. The three quality characteristics traceability, IT security and sustainability were examined in detail and the participants were invited to discuss and exchange excitedly.

With the key note “Quality within the Fronius supply chain” from Christoph Oberroither, IPM-Strategic Development, Fronius International and René Sperrer, IPM-Quality Management, Fronius International the attendees got an insight into Fronius SCM. Moreover the impacts of external and internal quality defects on Fronius products have been shown. “Is an error rate of 0,01% acceptable? – Audi has delivered 750.000 cars in Europa in 2018. This means with an error rate of 0,01% 75 cars would be involved in an accident based on an technical error. To answer the question with yes or no the perspective is in turn decisively.” – statement from René Sperrer

Under the title “Berufung Leben – focus quality at Klinikum Wels-Grieskirchen”, Manuel Ortner, deputy director quality-, risk management and organization development gave very interesting insights into the quality management of the clinic. According to a study of the medical-scientifical journal “the bmj” medical errors are the number 3 of all causes of death. Indicators like the “average dying frequency” or “door-to-needle-time” for strokes characterize everyday life. Through innovations in roboter surgery, improved patient communication, security checklists, report of near errors etc. error rates can be optimized.

The second main part of the 11th supplier day featured the panel discussion “quality from different perspectives”. Together with internal and external representatives from different branches the main topics networking, IT-security, data security, training of employees and communication culture have been discussed

As usual the day was concluded with the traditional tour of the Sattledt site.

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