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Solar Energy
Installers & partners

Get to know the new Fronius Argeno inverter, 12. February 2025



In this webinar, we introduce our latest inverter. The powerful Fronius Argeno expands our commercial product portfolio. In addition to a power class of 125kW, the Argeno also offers 10 MPPTs, highest efficiency values, various AC connection options, and many other features. Our experts will give you a detailed insight into all functions and applications.

Feel free to take the opportunity and ask your questions live in our chat.


Date 2/12/2025
Address Online
Duration 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM CET
Language English
Costs Free of charge
Date fully booked

Your contact person

+43 (7242) 241 6022
+43 (7242) 241 6022 ci-genvavat@sebavhf.pbz