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Solar Energy
Installers & partners

Optimal PV dimensioning for maximum profitability, 2. October 2024



Low feed-in tariffs may seem attractive, but they reduce the profitability of PV systems, especially for oversized systems. In this webinar, you will learn how you can achieve significant improvements in payback with Fronius' self-consumption solutions. Our experts explain, what is important when precisely dimensioning your PV system and how individual load profiles can be optimally taken into account. You will also learn how to efficiently combine your PV system with battery storage and hot water generation and which settings are recommended for maximizing self-consumption. Get comprehensive answers to your questions and learn everything about our solutions.

Take the opportunity to ask your questions directly to our experts in the live chat.

Contents of the webinar:

  • Profitability of a PV system
  • Dimensioning of storage and heat solutions
  • Energy management settings
  • Practical application examples



Date 10/2/2024
Address Online
Duration 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM CEST
Language English
Costs Free of charge
Date fully booked

Your contact person

+43 (7242) 241 6022
+43 (7242) 241 6022 ci-genvavat@sebavhf.pbz