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Solar Energy
Installers & partners

Solar as a Fuel-Saving Solution in Sub-Saharan Africa (Fronius & Elum Energy), 28. April 2022

Webinar: Basic


While the recent drastic fuel price increase has provoked an unprecedented energetic crisis, many Sub-Saharan African countries, relying on diesel gensets as their main energy source, have faced numerous power outages.

In this context, solar hybrid systems combining PV and diesel gensets seem to represent the most cost-effective fuel saving solutions to implement. This combination implies that the gensets are used to steadily fill in the gap between the load and the power generated by the PV system, providing a more reliable source of energy.

Fronius and Elum Energy industry experts will gather to discuss how PV diesel hybrid systems integrating controlling technologies can work together to cut operational costs in reducing fuel consumption.


Date 4/28/2022
Address Online
Duration 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CET
Language English
Max. Attendees 1000
Costs Free of charge
Date fully booked

Your contact person

+43 (7242) 241 6022
+43 (7242) 241 6022 ci-genvavat@sebavhf.pbz