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Heating solutions with Ohmpilot and SG-Ready heat pumps, 05 September 2024



Whether you want to optimize your own consumption or use the PV surplus for heating and hot water - with Fronius you will find the right solution! In this webinar we will show you how to control the heating rod directly via the inverter and how to use the Fronius Ohmpilot optimally. Our experts will explain how SG-Ready control of the heat pump works and which settings are necessary on the inverter or Ohmpilot.Get comprehensive answers to your questions and learn everything about our heating solutions and the integration of heat pumps. Take advantage of the opportunity to ask your questions directly to our experts in the live chat throughout the webinar.


Date 9/5/2024
Address Online
Duration 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM CEST
Language English
Costs Free of charge
Date fully booked

Your contact person

+43 (7242) 241 6022
+43 (7242) 241 6022 ci-genvavat@sebavhf.pbz