Perfect Charging

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Perfect Charging

S:Flex - Montacargas eléctricos alimentados por el techo de la empresa

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08/01/2021 / Bad Krozingen

S:FLEX opta por una combinación de tecnología de carga de baterías y de fotovoltaica Fronius

Los sistemas de montaje y sujeción para instalaciones fotovoltaicas son la especialidad de S:FLEX GmbH. En su sede de Bad Krozingen, la compañía apuesta también por la energía solar autogenerada. Una combinación única de inversores y cargadores de baterías Fronius garantiza que S:FLEX pueda utilizar la mayor parte de esta energía para alimentar sus vehículos industriales eléctricos y, de este modo, reducir significativamente sus costes de funcionamiento.

La generación de energía con fotovoltaica es tendencia: según varias estadísticas, el rendimiento de todas las instalaciones solares del mundo ha aumentado una media de más del 30 % anualmente en los últimos 20 años. Los científicos esperan que se generen unos 10 000 gigavatios de energía solar anuales en 2030 y que esta tendencia siga en aumento. Cada vez hay más empresas, propietarios de viviendas y gestores de edificios públicos que están optando por la energía renovable para reducir su huella ecológica, ahorrar costes e independizarse de la red.

Durante el montaje de instalaciones, son de gran importancia tanto las placas solares como el empleo de los sistemas de sujeción adecuados, en los que S:FLEX GmbH se ha especializado. Esta empresa fundada en 2009 desarrolla y fabrica tecnología de soportes prefabricados y hechos a medida para instalaciones en tejados planos, inclinados o en el suelo, y es proveedora de mayoristas, proyectistas e instaladores de todo el mundo. Además de su sede en Alemania, S:FLEX también está presente en muchos otros países europeos, así como en Oriente Medio y en Estados Unidos..

Sustainability of internal processes too

The company serves its German customers from its headquarters in Hamburg and a further site in Bad Krozingen. Here, S:FLEX has also taken over an additional warehouse due to its strong growth. Five electrically driven forklift trucks take care of the fast, emission-free and low-noise transport of goods at the site. “As a company that is particularly concerned with sustainability, we also want to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible internally,” explains Managing Director Ralf Müller-Maerz. “That is why we have also configured our intralogistics processes to be as resource-conserving and energy-efficient as possible.”

The existing battery charging technology for the electric forklift trucks was a real thorn in the side of the S:FLEX managers. The trucks were being operated with outdated 50-Hertz transformer technology, which was causing high energy losses during charging and damaged the expensive traction batteries in the long term. “During this process, a considerable proportion of the energy used is converted into heat,” explains Logistics Manager Heico Dretke. “This increases power consumption and operating costs, and reduces the capacity and performance of the batteries.” More frequent opportunity charging and battery changes are the result. “We wanted a more modern technology that would eliminate these disadvantages.” 

“In addition, as photovoltaic experts, we naturally rely on self-generated solar power at our own sites,” adds Müller-Maerz. “If possible, this should be used to supply the forklift fleet without any major detours.” At a trade fair in autumn 2019, the Managing Director therefore sought contact with Fronius: the international company from Pettenbach, Austria, is one of the innovation leaders in both battery charging technology and photovoltaics with its Perfect Charging and Solar Energy business units. “Furthermore, we offer the major advantage of being able to combine our products and expertise from both business units to create individually tailored complete solutions for our customers,” emphasises Andreas Horn, account manager at Fronius Germany.

Comprehensive Fronius analysis reveals savings potentials

As a first step, the Fronius experts took a close look at the conditions and requirements at S:FLEX. Using the Fronius I-SPoT Calculator, the possible savings potentials were determined and discussed with the customer. The new charging technology can reduce energy consumption by around 20 percent: “This not only met our sustainability requirements, but was also financially attractive, because the acquisition was expected to pay for itself within a short time,” summarises Müller-Maerz. Furthermore, Fronius also offered to equip the planned photovoltaic system on the roof of the hall with inverters and to connect it directly to the charging technology for the highest possible degree of self-consumption. “We were immediately impressed by this overall package,” adds the Managing Director.

Since May 2020, five three-phase Fronius Symo inverters have been converting the energy from the solar collectors on the roof of the S:FLEX site into usable alternating current. Their sophisticated design with the unique SnapINverter technology simplifies installation and maintenance immensely. In addition, the devices are equipped with extensive communication functions that enable dynamic feed-in management and clear consumption visualisation. The inverters are connected to the Internet, and numerous data can be easily accessed via a computer or smartphone with Fronius Solar.web. “This makes the entire system extremely transparent and easy for us to control,” says Logistics Manager Dretke.

The photovoltaic system generates around 100 kilowatts of power at peak times. A large part of this is fed directly to the Fronius Selectiva battery chargers via the electricity supply network on site. Six of these are available to forklift drivers in different power categories, depending on whether the forklift trucks have larger or smaller traction batteries. With their innovative Ri charging process, they flexibly charge the different types of batteries – and do so in a particularly gentle and energy-efficient manner: “The charging process adjusts itself individually to the age, capacity and condition of each battery, thus reducing harmful overcharging to a minimum,” says Fronius expert Horn. The result is significantly lower energy consumption and a longer battery service life. 

Recipe for success: a one-stop shop

S:FLEX is highly satisfied with the overall package from Fronius. “The battery chargers are easy to use. All our staff need to do is plug in the charging plug; no further adjustments on the device are necessary,” explains Dretke. Surplus energy from the photovoltaic system is fed into the public grid, and thanks to the Fronius system’s extensive analysis functions, S:FLEX is always up to date with all production and consumption data. “This combination of photovoltaic and battery charging technology is certainly unique on the market,” enthuses Müller-Maerz. “With Fronius, we have been able to significantly reduce our electricity requirements and operating costs, while at the same time making our intralogistics more sustainable.” The Austrian company is also a reliable partner when it comes to service requirements. “We are very happy to receive everything from a single source and to always know who to turn to when we need it,” sums up the Managing Director. “It makes the working relationship easier and much more pleasant.”

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