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Solar Energy
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14.2.2018 / Vietnam

Active Cooling Technology in Vietnam's biggest city

Over the coming years, Vietnam will develop into an extremely progressive region for renewable energy. The government has set itself the goal of installing an extra 12 GW of generation capacity for clean solar power within the next 12 years. As PV energy is still a relatively new concept in Vietnam, the Fronius Service Partner programme gives installers a competitive edge and offers huge benefits to system operators.


Active Cooling Technology ensures maximum yields

The region is characterised by a hot and humid climate. These circumstances also influence the sensitive electronical parts of inverters. Unlike models from other manufacturers, Fronius inverters are equipped with Active Cooling Technology.

An increase of 10°C cuts the life of power electronics in half!

Advantages of Active Cooling

Less costs: active cooling is usually maintenance free.

Low weight: inverters with active cooling have a lower weight. 

Longer life span: longer life span of power electronics due to lower temperatures of inverter components.

More yield: inverters have a better derating behaviour as the cooling effect is much stronger. The yield improves.

Flexibility: inverters with active cooling can even be mounted flat (on a roof). Inverters with passive cooling can be mounted 90° vertically only.

Size of installation 76.6 kWp
System type Roof-top installation
Inverter 3 Fronius Eco 27.0-3-S
Special features Extremely high ambient temperature, humid climate

The challenge

  • Photovoltaics is a relatively new topic for installers in Vietnam
  • Very high temperature and a humid climate

The solution

  • Fronius Service Partners are expertly trained installers who are able to respond quickly should support be required

  • Our Active Cooling Technology ensures maximum yields, a long service life and low costs