Perfect Charging

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Perfect Charging

We are available!


16/03/2020 / Wels

Dear customers,

Due to the current developments, we follow the recommendation of the Austrian federal government. From Monday, March 16 onwards we will reduce our direct social contacts to a minimum. But that doesn't mean that we're not there for our customers. The current situation requires that our business relationship takes place virtually for a certain period of time. We are happy to stay in contact with you via telephone, Email or Skype. With this measure we’d like to set actions and contribute to slow down the spread of the virus.
Stay healthy!
Your Fronius Perfect Charging Team

Votre interlocuteur

Sebastian Villanueva

+33 1 39 33 12 13
+33 1 39 33 12 13 punetre-fnyrf-senapr@sebavhf.pbz Autres modes de contact