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Fronius Solar.web Support


General info & notes on Fronius Solar.web.

A system is displayed as "offline" if the Internet connection to the device is faulty or interrupted. 
The following reasons may explain why your system is not transmitting any data to the portal:

Find out more about product registration, warranties, Solar.web premium and the Fronius webshop.

  1. If a battery is present in the system, first switch off the battery properly. For a BYD Battery-Box, press the button on the BMS of the battery for several seconds until the DC isolator of the battery triggers.
  2. Disconnect the inverter first on the AC side (RCD or circuit breaker), then on the DC side (switch on the inverter).
  3. Disconnect the router or modem from the power supply.
  4. Wait for about 30 seconds. The inverter must be completely dark. No LED should be lit.
  5. Restart the router or modem.
  6. If a battery is present, first switch the battery back on (push the DC isolator of the battery upwards).
  7. Once your router or modem is reconnected to the internet, switch the inverter back on (AC and DC side).

Changes in your network (wi-fi password or network name changed, switched internet router/modem or internet provider, ...)

Your device needs to be reconnected to your network. The procedure depends on which type of inverter you have. Instructions can be found at the following links:

Fronius SnapINverter (Symo, Symo Hybrid, Primo, Eco, Galvo): “Setting up the Internet connection of the inverter (e.g. after replacing the router)”

Fronius GEN24: "Setting up the Internet connection of the inverter (e.g. after replacing the router)"

The internet connection of your inverter has not been set up.

Please contact your installer and ask if your device has been fully commissioned and connected to the Internet. The Internet connection is set up on the local user interface of your inverter. The procedure is described here:

Fronius SnapINverter (Symo, Symo Hybrid, Primo, Eco): ”Setting up the Internet connection of the inverter (e.g. after replacing the router)”

Fronius GEN24: "Setting up the Internet connection of the inverter (e.g. after replacing the router)"

Wi-Fi signal too weak

Check the signal strength of your home Wi-Fi network on the local user interface of your inverter. Access to the device's user interface depends on the type of inverter. The procedure is described here:

Fronius SnapINverter (Symo, Symo Hybrid, Primo, Eco): "Accessing the userinterface of the SnapINverter via WLAN" or "Accessing the userinterface of the SnapINverter via Ethernet".

Fronius GEN24: "Accessing the userinterface of the inverter via WLAN" or "Accessing the userinterface of the inverter via Ethernet".

For a stable connection, the inverter should detect your Wi-Fi network with at least 2 out of 4 black bars. If the signal is too weak, position the router closer to the inverter or install a Wi-Fi amplifier between the router and inverter. Alternatively, the Internet connection of the inverter can also be set up via Ethernet.

Sending current data is disabled (SnapINverters only).

On the user interface of your SnapINverter (Data-/Hybridmanager), under "Settings" --> "Fronius Solar.web", make sure "Send current data to Fronius Solar.web" is set to "Yes" (see: "Accessing the user interface of the SnapINvertervia WLAN" or "Accessing the userinterface of the SnapINverter via Ethernet").

The solar net connection is faulty (datamanagers only).

The communication between your SnapINverter (Symo, Primo, Eco, Galvo) and Datamanager could be faulty. On the display of your inverter, go to "Setup" --> "Datcom" --> "Datcom Status" and check whether "Status OK", "Status Error" or "Interface" is displayed.   If the status shows "OK", the Solar Net connection is fine.

If the status shows "Error", there is a problem in the Solar Net connection. If you have installed a single inverter, make sure both termination plugs are plugged into the "IN" and "OUT" ports in the Datcom area of the inverter. If you have connected several inverters via Solar Net, check their cabling. The connection from inverter to inverter must always be made from "OUT" to "IN". On the first and last device, the termination plugs must be plugged in.

If the status shows "Interface", switch it to "Solar Net" under "Setup" --> "Datcom" --> "Protocol Type".

The following reasons may explain why your system is no longer transmitting or recording archive data:

Components are hidden.

On your Solar.web system, go to "Settings" --> "Components" and check the visibility of the energy meters and inverters. To display hidden components, click "Show all" next to "Energy meters" or "Inverters". The hidden components are then displayed in the list. Under “Visible”, click the crossed-out eye icon to display the component.

The date and time are set incorrectly (snapinverters only).

On your Solar.web system, go to "Analysis" and check the date and time displayed for the data source. If the setting is incorrect, it must be set correct on the local user interface of your device (see: "Accessing the user interface of the SnapINverter via WLAN" or "Accessing the user interface of the SnapINverter via Ethernet").

Sending archive data is disabled (snapinverters only).
On the local user interface of your SnapINverter (Data-/Hybridmanager), under "Settings" --> "Fronius Solar.web", check that "Send archive data to Fronius Solar.web" is activated. We recommend setting the data transmission to "hourly" from 06:00 to 21:00 (see: "Accessing the user interface of the SnapINverter via WLAN" or "Accessing the user interface of the SnapINverter via Ethernet").

None of the above are applicable:

If the above points have already been checked, try updating the firmware and restarting the inverter.

If a firmware update is available for your device, you can start it on Solar.web under "Settings" --> "Components".

For the restart, disconnect the inverter first on the AC side (FI or circuit breaker), then on the DC side (switch on the inverter) and leave it off for about 30 seconds. The inverter must be completely dark. No LED may light up anymore. Then turn the AC side and the DC side back on.

If you have any further problems, please contact our customer support using our contact form.

The Datalogger ID of the Data-/Hybridmanager of your SnapINverter can be found on the display of the inverter.
When you start the "Wifi Access Point" on the display under "Setup", an SSID containing the Datalogger ID (240.xxxx or 239.xxxx) is displayed.

You can also find the Datalogger ID on the user interface of your SnapINverter (Data-/Hybridmanager) under "System information" (see: "Accessing the user interface of the SnapINverter via WLAN" or "Accessing the user interface of the SnapINverter via Ethernet").
With a GEN24 inverter, the serial number and the V. code are required instead. Both can be found on the nameplate of your inverter. 

If you want to create a new system on Fronius Solar.web or add another data source to an existing system, the message "Datalogger ID already in use" may appear under the following circumstances:

The datalogger id is incorrect.

Please check the entered ID for correctness. See "Where can I find the device information for my PV system?" for more details.


The datalogger id is already in use for an existing fronius solar.web system.
Check if you or your installer have already added the Datalogger ID via another Solar.web account or if the ID is already assigned to one of your systems. If this is not the case, please use our contact form.

Possible reasons for a failed remote update attempt:

The internet connection of the inverter is not stable:

Verify that a stable Internet connection to the inverter is established. If necessary, perform a speed test of your Internet connection:

When connected via Wi-Fi, you can check the signal strength with which your inverter detects your home Wi-Fi network on the local user interface of your device. Access to the user interface of the inverter is described here:

Fronius SnapINverter (Symo, Symo Hybrid, Primo, Eco): “Setting up the Internet connection of the inverter (e.g. after replacing the router)”

Fronius GEN24: "Setting up the Internet connection of the inverter (e.g. after replacing the router)".

For a stable connection, the inverter should detect your Wi-Fi network with at least 2 out of 4 black bars. If the signal is too weak, position the router closer to the inverter or install a Wi-Fi amplifier between the router and inverter. Alternatively, the Internet connection of the inverter can also be set up via Ethernet.

Solar.web update server overloaded:

If there is otherwise no problem with your inverter or the Internet connection, an overload or malfunction of the Solar.web service may also delay or interfere with a remote update. Try the update again at a later time.

None of the above are applicable:

Contact Fronius Customer Support via our contact form.

Find out more about product registration, warranties, Solar.web Premium and the Fronius Webshop. Go to FAQs

Here you will find important information and assistance regarding system rights on Solar.web.

On Solar.web, there are three types of system permissions: owner, supervisor and guest. The owner has full access to the system. A supervisor can view the system and edit most of the settings. A guest can view the system, but cannot change settings.

During first commissioning of a Data-/Hybridmanager or GEN24 inverter a Solar.web user account must be entered, which is set as the owner of the system in Solar.web.

The system owner can define a new system owner on Solar.web under "Settings" --> "Change owner" or set one or more supervisors and/or guests under "Settings" --> "Permissions".

This video shows how to assign rights to a user:

If there are problems with the assignment of rights, this can have the following reasons:

Registration not completed

The registration of a user must be completed in order to give the user rights. To register on Solar.web, click on "Login" --> "Register Now". Follow the instructions to receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in the confirmation email and log in with your new user for the first time. When logging in for the first time, some necessary user data will be requested. Only after the user data is entered, the registration is completed and the user can be assigned system rights.


Insufficient rights

Only the owner of a system can assign supervisor rights. A supervisor can only assign guest rights. If you cannot add a supervisor, check which rights you have for the system yourself.

In order for your directly consumed power to be displayed on Solar.web, it is necessary to install a Fronius Smart Meter in the feed-in point of your system.  

Possible reasons for missing components on Fronius Solar.web:

Initial commissioning was carried out recently.

After initial commissioning, it may take 1 - 2 hours for all components to be displayed on Fronius Solar.web. The components only appear when the first archive data package is sent to Fronius Solar.web. By default, archive data is sent every full hour.

Components are hidden.

On Solar.web, navigate to "Settings" --> "Components" and check the visibility of the inverters. To display hidden components, click “Show all” next to “Inverters”. The hidden components are then displayed in the list. Under “Visible”, click the crossed-out eye icon to display the component.

The solar net connection is faulty (Datamanagers only).

The communication between your SnapINverter (Symo, Primo, Eco, Galvo) and Datamanager could be faulty. On the display of your inverter, go to "Setup" --> "Datcom" --> "Datcom Status" and check whether "Status OK", "Status Error" or "Interface" is displayed.

If the status shows "OK", the Solar Net connection is fine.

If the status shows "Error", there is a problem in the Solar Net connection. If you have installed a single inverter, make sure both termination plugs are plugged into the "IN" and "OUT" ports in the Datcom area of the inverter. If you have connected several inverters via Solar Net, check their cabling. The connection from inverter to inverter must always be made from "OUT" to "IN". On the first and last device, the termination plugs must be plugged in.If the status shows "Interface", switch it to "Solar Net" under "Setup" --> "Datcom" --> "Protocol Type". 

Possible reasons for a missing or incorrect calculation of the earnings or the return on investment/expense:

No or incorrect tariffs are set on solar.web. 

The earnings value shown is made up of the feed-in compensation and the savings made by your PV system for the specified period.

Feed-in compensation = energy fed into the grid multiplied by your feed-in tariff
Savings = directly consumed energy multiplied by your reference tariff.

To be able to see the yield calculation, tariffs must be entered on Solar.web under "Settings" --> "Tariffs". After the tariff settings have been accepted, the calculation is automatically performed by Solar.web.When setting a tariff, the start and end date of validity must be stored. Please make sure that this has been done correctly.

In addition, the energy meter(s) whose data is to be used for the yield calculation must be checked for each tariff. As a rule, all energy meters can be checked here.You can change the settings of a tariff at any time by clicking on the tariff and then on "Edit".Please note that the calculation of the yield data may take some time after a tariff transfer or tariff conversion.

The Fronius Smart Meter is hidden or has failed (only production visible)
Missing Smart Meter data leads to tariffs "with Fronius Smart Meter" not being used in the calculation. On Solar.web, under "Settings" à "Components", check whether the Smart Meter is displayed under "Energy Meters". If any Smart Meters are missing under "Components", check whether a blue lettering "Show all" is displayed to the right of the "Energy meters" lettering. If yes, click on this lettering. Now the hidden components should be displayed in the list. Then click on the crossed-out eye icon under "Visible" to show the components again. If the communication between the Fronius Smart Meter and the inverter has completely failed, please contact your installer.

Possible reasons for constant consumption during the night hours or missing consumption data (SnapINverters only):

Logging during night hours is disabled
The setting "Logging during night-time hours" is set on the user interface of the SnapINverter (Data-/Hybridmanager). To enable the feature:

1. Connect to the user interface of your SnapINverter (Data-/Hybridmanager) (see: "Accessing the user interface of the SnapINverter via WLAN" or "Accessing the user interface of the via Ethernet").
2. Go to "Settings" --> "Fronius Solar.web".
3. Set "Logging during night-time hours" to "Yes".
4. Save the change by clicking on the check mark in the upper right corner.

Incorrect setting of the "night mode" on the inverter display
If you want data communication to remain active during the night hours, check the settings on the inverter display under "Setup" --> "Display Settings" --> "Night Mode".

"Off" means that the display is off and no data is logged.

"Auto" means that the display is off, but data is logged.

"On" means that the display is on and data is logged.

Find out more about product registration, warranties, Solar.web Premium and the Fronius Webshop. Go to FAQs

State Codes Solar.web

Reasons & solutions:

Status code 994 is registered if there is no data available for the “Earnings comparison" function that can be compared.

Check Solar.web under “Settings” --> “Components” to see whether the DC power of the inverters has been specified correctly. Check the settings for the “Earnings comparison” function under “Settings” --> “Service Messages”. Check that the settings for deviation, threshold and inverter selection (DC channels) have been correctly stored. Your installer can give you the correct values and settings.

If you are unable to solve the problem yourself, or if you are unsure of a point, please contact your installer.

Reasons & solutions:

The status code 995 is registered on Fronius Solar.web if no data is received from the storage system for a specified time.

You can manually adjust the time period for receiving this service message on Fronius Solar.web under “Settings”--> “Service messages” --> “Battery blackout detection". Please note that live data (bubble chart) is not taken into account. Verify that the storage system has been set to “Standby” mode. Check whether your Fronius Solar.web system might be “offline” and whether other status codes have been registered under “Service messages.” If your system is “offline”, please navigate to the “Solar.web offline” area. If your system is “online” and the status of the storage system is not in “Standby” mode, please contact your installer immediately.

Reasons & solutions:

The status code 996 is sent by Solar.web if a data source of the system does not have a connection to Solar.web for the user-defined time.

You can manually adjust the time span for receiving this service message on Solar.web under "Settings" --> "Service Messages" --> "Blackout timespan". The reason may be a failure of the Internet connection.

For more information about this issue, see „My system is offline or no current data is visible”.

Reasons & solutions:

Status code 997 is triggered on Fronius Solar.web by the “Earnings comparison” function.

If there is a defect on the PV generator side or if your PV modules are covered with snow, you will receive this status code as a result. Check Fronius Solar.web under “Settings”  --> “Components” to see if the DC power of the inverters has been specified correctly. If you are unsure whether the values are displayed correctly, please contact your installer.

Reasons & solutions:

The status code 999 is sent by Solar.web if an inverter of the system has not uploaded data to Solar.web for the user-defined time.

You can manually adjust the time span for receiving this service message on Solar.web under "Settings" --> "Service Messages" --> "Inverter blackout time span".

For more information about this issue, see „My system is offline or no current data is visible”.