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Perfect Welding

Joining Aluminum: ÖGS Workshop at Fronius Wels Generates Keen Interest


16/04/2018 / Wels, Austria
On March 15, 2018, Fronius hosted the 19th ÖGS workshop on aluminum joining at its Wels location, with over 100 guests taking part.

The Austrian Welding Technology Association (ÖGS) organizes regular workshops on relevant subjects from the welding sector. In mid-March, ten speakers gave talks on the subject “Joining aluminum materials and mixed aluminum joints.”

The talks ranged from a metallurgic introduction to aluminum alloys through to new industrial applications for the material. Jürgen Bruckner, Head of Key Account Management Automotive at Fronius, addressed the challenges posed to welding technology by e-mobility. He described the requirements for joining battery trays made from aluminum and outlined how the automotive industry is addressing this issue.

The high number of participants underlined the fact that aluminum is a topic that is shaking up industry and research alike; over 100 interested attendees took part in the event. There is further information on ÖGS and other workshops at