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Focus Topics FABTECH Orlando

We lead with innovation for future generations

As the innovation leader for arc welding and global market leader for robot-assisted welding, we create both advanced and profitable welding solutions, which are inspired by our sustainable mindset. We consider the importance of resource efficiency in our designs both from an economic and ecological perspective. When quality requirements are rising across all industries, skilled welding professionals are harder to find. We work to ease some of these shortages through smarter and more accessible technology.

All technical solutions must protect the health and safety of the workers. And one thing is certain: If you have optimal protection and a high level of comfort while welding, you’re more likely to achieve consistent, high-quality welds.

Be sure to visit our booth at FABTECH to learn more about these important topics and our newest solutions. We look forward to speaking with you

Shortage of Skilled Workers

All sectors are experiencing the symptoms of the shortage of skilled workers. As a result, an increasing number of companies where welding is a core task are being forced to train their own specialists or are not able to fill vacancies. When we develop solutions in close communication with our customers, we follow the principle of minimal training time combined with maximum handling to give welders even better training, to support them and to make their work easier so that they can achieve optimum results.

For example, due to the experience and dexterity required, TIG welding is generally seen as the most prestigious discipline for welders. We lower the barriers to entry with our TIG DynamicWire product. With this system, even inexperienced people can form a TIG weld. We reduce the required dexterity with our ergonomic and smart mechanical system that supplies continuous filler metal. With two available feed options, this system helps both experienced and novice TIG welders succeed.

Thoughts about automation have now reached even small businesses and micro enterprises. This is because the shortage of skilled workers is also an ever-present issue here. A cobot cell is the ideal solution as our entry-level model for automation makes automated welding processes cost effective, even for small batch sizes. Users can easily teach the robot themselves and show it how to hold the welding torch. Our cobot cells also make it possible to work side by side safely. As a result, the welding specialist can do other work at the same time.

Health & Safety

Welding is one of mankind’s oldest and most traditional joining processes and it’s hard to think of life without it, particularly in industry and trade. However, the demanding interplay of metallurgy, physics, and electrical engineering also entails certain hazards which all welders must always be protected from.

Measures to be implemented include protection against welding fumes, UV and glare protection, flame and heat protection, as well as ergonomics. The protective measures to be taken depend on the welding process, the base material, and the filler metal. One thing is clear, however: people who carry out welding with the optimum protection and a high level of comfort will also achieve consistently high quality.

The health of all welding specialists is top priority for us. Our high-performance extraction systems and fume extraction welding torches, show our focus on user-friendly protection against welding fumes in all environments.


Our welding systems impress thanks to their top quality, and can be taken apart, repaired, and recycled if necessary. We want all of our products and services to help our customers optimize their processes. This allows them to save energy, material, and time.

In many respects, digitalization is even influencing joining technology and is therefore also an important aspect in terms of sustainability. We routinely develop appropriate software solutions that improve the performance of our welding systems in terms of ease of use, seam quality, and speed. Special documentation software records welding parameters, and software-supported analyses of filler wire and shielding gas allow for economical use of material.

We offer our customers optimum support to help them avoid errors and increase the quality of manufacturing. We are able to do this thanks to the WeldCube Navigator. Predefined step-by-step instructions guide the welding specialists through their work. This makes it easier to get to grips with new or rarely used components and provides support when training new welders. The WeldCube Navigator is easy to use, saves time, prevents production errors, and helps with knowledge transfer.