Perfect Charging

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Perfect Charging

Ri charging process

With the Ri charging process, Fronius is offering the best technology for charging lead-acid traction batteries available on the global market. Unlike other processes, this process does not follow a fixed characteristic, but adapts to the requirements of each individual battery. This ensures maximum energy efficiency and a long battery life.

Energy-efficient and gentle on the battery

50 Hz transformer technology continues to be widely used in battery charging systems for traction batteries. However, this gives rise to high energy consumption as well as warming the battery excessively during charging, which reduces its service life. Modern high frequency technology is also available and, although more efficient in this respect, there are major differences here too.


With the Ri charging process, Fronius is offering the best technology for charging lead-acid traction batteries available on the global market. Unlike other processes, this process does not follow a fixed characteristic, but adapts to the requirements of each individual battery. This ensures maximum energy efficiency and a long battery life. The Ri charging process went into production in 2013, with the new generation of our Selectiva battery charging systems. Numerous well-known companies from different sectors have been using it successfully ever since.

How does the Ri charging process work?

The Ri charging process determines the condition of your battery by means of its effective inner resistance (Ri) and adapts the charging characteristic accordingly. The resistance of the battery depends on its age, temperature and state of charge. Each charging cycle is therefore unique and has its own individual characteristic. In the charging phase, the battery only receives as much current as it actually needs. This greatly reduces both energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Charging losses when charging commences and during the recharging phase can virtually be avoided.

The Ri charging process also reduces warming during charging, which can lastingly damage the battery. This reduces faults, lengthens the service life of your batteries and lowers the total operating costs of your forklift truck system.

Your benefits

The individual Ri charging process allows Selectiva battery charging systems from Fronius to achieve a total efficiency of up to 84 percent. Not only can you charge your batteries far more efficiently, you can also reduce damage and thus your maintenance costs. The gentle charging process avoids overcharging, which speeds up battery contamination, increases water consumption and results in the build-up of hazardous oxyhydrogen.

Another advantage is that battery charging systems from Fronius are flexible and can charge different types of batteries (12, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 80 V). You can therefore operate different forklift trucks with one and the same charger, which lowers operating costs and simplifies your business processes. Operating faults from incorrect assignment of the battery and battery charging system are practically ruled out, and there is no need to purchase different types of charger and maintain a stock of spare parts for all the different models. Standardising your charging technology also leaves you fully equipped for any future changes, such as company growth.

Your free consultation

Fronius has been a specialist in battery charging for more than 70 years. Every day, we help thousands of companies all over the world to get perfectly charged batteries that have been extremely gently and efficiently charged using the unique Fronius Ri charging process. For decades, logistics companies and car manufacturers have put their faith in the high quality of our technical consultants and our exceptional battery charging systems.

Find your contact here for a no-obligation consultation about the right way to charge your batteries.

We will be happy to find the ideal solution for your requirements and help you to permanently reduce your energy costs.

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Anand Shewalkar

+91 2135 677 417
+91 2135 677 417 Furjnyxne.Nanaq@sebavhf.pbz Other ways to contact us