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Solar Energy
Installers & partners

Fronius System Partner qualification training, Austria 15. May 2025

Face-to-face training

5/15/2025 / Wels

FACE-TO-FACE TRAINING IN AUSTRIA! (no online training)  


An approved application to become a Fronius System Partner and a registration code are required to take part!You are no Fronius System Partner yet?

/ If you wish to attend this training, first your company needs to apply your company for partnership and Fronius needs to approve the application.

/ Minimum requirements to apply are five Fronius serial number registrations and five PV systems connected with Solar.web.

/ You can submit the application via Final decision on positive admission lies with Fronius.  

Approved companies receive an email directly from Fronius with an enclosed “activation code”.

This code is required to submit the training registration.  Your company is already Fronius System Partner and you forgot the activation code?No problem, please request the code once again via email


Date 5/15/2025
Address Austria, Fronius International GmbH, 4600 Wels, Froniusplatz 1
Duration 9.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. (with optional content 3.00 p.m.)
Language English
Max. Attendees 12
Costs EUR 125,-
Register now

In our Fronius System Partner training, you learn how to use the advantages of the Fronius partnership to take integrated PV system solutions to the next level. Together with our experts, you learn everything you need to know about system monitoring and the expansion options for an existing PV system in order to offer your customers added value. We also provide a comprehensive insight into the rapid service process and many other special technical topics that you need as a Fronius System Partner.


/ Details on the Fronius System Partnership

/ Options for system expansion

/ Data analysis in Solar.web

/ Opportunities for services and long-term customer relationships

/ News about the Fronius range of products and solutions

/ Optimized service process and troubleshooting as a Fronius System Partner

/ Meeting with Sales

/ TechSupport

End ~ 2.00 p.m

/ optional content: board replacement, or specific topics

End ~ 3.00 p.m. 



Prior attendance in following training courses:

/ Fulfillment of all of the above criteria for a Fronius system partnership (accepted application)

/ Fronius products & solutions training

/ Fronius installation & commissioning training