Central User Management allows user roles to be defined, managed, and assigned to individual welding systems from one central location. System administrators simply decide which employee is assigned what access rights on their designated welding systems. The respective welder logs in to the TPS/i using a chip and has access to exactly those functions and settings that are necessary for their tasks.
The major advantage of Central User Management is that the centralized assignment of rights saves considerable amounts of time. Previously, user settings had to be adjusted with numerous clicks for each power source and manually transferred to however many welding systems as necessary. Central User Management now reduces this workload by up to 90% whilst also helping to maintain a clear overview. What’s more, existing user databases can be connected via a data interface (API).
The management of user roles helps to ensure product quality. The parameters that must be used to create a weld seam are specified in the welding procedure specification. As a result, the management of user roles ensures that critical settings and tasks are only performed by the intended specialist. For this reason, each TPS/i system has a standard user management function. Moreover, Central User Management makes user management extremely quick, easy, and convenient.
More information about Central User Management can be found on our website.