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Perfect Welding
WeldCube API

WeldCube API

Logo WeldCube API left

Data interfaces for TPS/i welding systems and WeldCube Premium

In order that welding data may be documented, analyzed, or made available for other software systems. Fronius offers various data interfaces, known as APIs. The customer can use the data that are made available for their own customized data management solutions.

WeldCube API logo

Two possible solutions depending on customer requirements

The way that the various functions of the data interfaces from the WeldCube API portfolio combine enables the fully customizable and flexible integration of Fronius power sources and WeldCube Premium into the system landscape (e.g., MES systems).

TPS/i interface solutions

The interface solutions OPC-UA* and MQTT* enable raw current data and actual states of the welding system to be readout. This makes it possible to transfer data records to thirdparty systems for independent evaluations, analyses, and visualizations. The welding system parameters can also be set via OPC‑UA.

*OPC-UA: Open Platform Communications – Unified Architecture
*MQTT: Message Queuing – Telemetry Transport

Logo MQTT and OPC UA

Interface solution for WeldCube Premium

The REST web interface in WeldCube Premium enables the analysis and transfer of prepared data. In contrast to the interface solutions OPC‑UA and MQTT, historical data can also be accessed here. In addition, this interface solution provides fixed data packets that include information on components, seams, set values, jobs, and machines.
Logo of Rest-API
Read live process parameters  X  X  
Write process parameters    X  
Read aggregated, collected, historical data      X

Combining the REST data interface with WeldCube Premium

Examples of possible applications


The most important data of a welding cell is visualized on a screen. This gives the user relevant information on all components at a glance.
Icon display indication

Data exchange

Selected data can be transferred to higher-level software systems – for example MES or ERP – in order to obtain a central overview of the entire productionprocess.
Data exchange WeldCube API

Documentation and analysis

The data interfaces offer the possibility to transfer all available information to the customer’s own documentation and analysis software. All evaluations, visualizations, and reports can thus be developed and programmed individually by the customer.
Icon for documentation

Specification of parameters

Pre-programmed jobs and/or set values are selected for a welding task by a higher-level control system in order to avoid incorrect settings (only possible with OPC-UA).
Icon parameter WeldCube API

Customized maintenance solutions

Customers can implement their own specifications and defined processes for service routines based on their own data analyses. These are displayed on the user’s own systems, such as apps or desktop views, to enable internal maintenance to be supported and optimized.
Icon Maintenance

Further software solutions

Central User Management

User Management in the welding system itself

Authorizations can be assigned to users individually on Fronius welding systems that feature an integrated  authorization system.

The system knows what the user is and is not allowed to do when they log in using a key card, key fob, or the WeldConnect app.

Central User Management


The Fronius app for wireless interaction with the welding system

WeldConnect allows every welder to quickly and easily find the suitable parameters for their welding task. Step by step, the app asks for the precise details of the application at hand – such as welding process, parent material, weld seam profile and shielding gas. The user can either enter this data manually or scan the QR codes on the respective materials. Using this information, the wizard calculates the ideal welding parameters for both TIG and MIG/MAG applications.



WeldCube Data Management

Fronius offers the optimal software solution for the ongoing planning, collection, analysis, and visualization of welding technology production data in the form of the WeldCube product portfolio.

Depending on the WeldCube version, welding and system data can be stored and evaluated either locally in the welding systems or centrally in a database.

More to WeldCube

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