On September 15, Director David Breitwieser and head of training Karlheinz Rettenbacher from the Berufsschule Wels vocational school were in attendance to receive the new welding systems—accompanied by a number of 4th year students. Welding technology has been taught at the school since 1991. The Höhere Technische Lehranstalt Wels higher technical school also received two devices for its welding workshop, which has a long welding tradition: it has been teaching the joining process for more than 40 years.
In fact, Peter Fronius, Head of the Hand-Held Welding Systems segment at Fronius, gained his first welding experience at the HTL. At the system handover he was accompanied by Fronius employee Michael Winkler who also started his welding career at the Wels vocational school. Winkler is now a highly-qualified trainer at the Fronius Welding Business Academy.
A slight upwards trend shows that an increasing number of women are becoming interested in welding technology. In this respect, Hannah Dietachmair—2nd year Mechatronics student at HTL Wels—was the first to test one of the new TransPocket MMA welding systems: “I enjoy the variety that this training offers. What’s more, it gives me a wide range of possibilities to choose from after I finish”, she emphasizes with reference to her choice of training.